It’s All About Relationships

JOSEPHINE MOYO Building trust is essential for any successful business relationship. When people trust each other, they are more likely to do business together and more likely to be satisfied with the results. City Parking understands that relationships are the foundation of any successful business. City Parking is committed to providing excellent customer service, fair …


By ADV T. BHATASARA Mervyn King called companies “incapacitated persons”. Thus, despite being persons in law, they are unable to do anything independent of human control or intervention. Enter the Board, which provides capacity to the company and allows it to act. This applies to all companies in general whether they are private, public, or …


Do Parking Companies Care About Their Customers? A Look at Mandatory Services NEO BATAKATHI Parking companies play a crucial role in managing and maintaining parking facilities in various cities. With parking often being a mandatory service, one might wonder if parking companies truly care about their customers. The answer to this question lies in the …

Strengthening City Parking Systems through Internal Auditing

By Godfrey Nzombe- Chief Auditor The Internal Audit (IA) department at CP works hand in hand with other units – notas a fault-finding department but as a partner in strengthening systems andassuring performance. This is an independent function involving the continuousappraisal of the functioning of CP with a view to strengthening what is alreadyworking and suggest …

Rufaro Stadium Upgrade: New Parking Complex, New Parking Lot,New Experiences!

BY FRANCIS MANDAZA City Parking has partnered with City of Harare to renovate and upgrade RufaroStadium, the Ceremonial Home of Football as it is affectionately called. Thestadium has much historic significance to a lot of Zimbabweans as they share greatyester year memories of iconic matches and football legends like George Shayawho played there.Part of the …